young adolescent cluster

The Young Adolescent Cluster caters for children in Years 7-10 building on from the experiences, skills and confidence developed in the Middle Childhood Cluster.

They increasingly know how to learn and work collaboratively together and independently and how they matter as individuals in the cogs and wheels of community.

They grow their understandings of choices and consequences, of the interconnectedness of curriculum and real life, learning through adult mentoring and modelling that failure and success are learning opportunities and that learning is not necessarily linear, straightforward or black and white.

They learn to acknowledge shades of grey, compromise and confusion as necessary parts of living, learning and work in the real world.


They learn they can make a difference if they make the effort and have developed networks and passions.

The focus is on increasing personal accountability and becoming self-advocates, learning how to describe their needs, wants, strengths, gaps and experiences constructively and how to reach out for help and to help others.

They learn through opportunities presented to them and created by themselves that effort, an open-mind and giving things a chance can open many doors and windows into the wider world.

They have real world, frequent opportunities to value academic rigor and acknowledge the difference that knowledge, personal qualities, mind-set and practice make.

They learn to take care of their own technology through our BYOD- Bring Your Own Device approach- and become responsible for using it as a work tool, demonstrating ICT protocols and cyber awareness.